House signs are objects used for personalizing a dwelling for the purpose of transforming a house into a home. Each and every property has its own uniqueness. It’s one of those final touches that really make a difference. There is nothing better than a house sign to serve this purpose. The choice of house sign reflects the personality and taste of the house owner. Custom house signs serve the purpose of giving an identity to an owner’s much-beloved house.
Types of House Signs
House signs are available in various types. Some of them are as follows:

Custom House Signs
- Stone made house signs: Stone made house signs are the best in terms of durability and maintenance. They are mostly made with the use of rocks like slate, granite or marble. Although both granite and marble possess elegant looks, but they do not provide the scope of artistic artwork. Stone house signs available in the shape of sculpture are expensive and therefore less in demand. For elegant finish in the custom house signs gliding is necessary which requires hand carving for enhancement of visual impact.
- Metal house signs: A traditional house sign is commonly found in metal. Metals used for such house signs are iron, aluminium, bronze, copper and brass. These types of house signs are made through the process of smelting. In this process, the manufacturer pours molten metal into molds and leave it to cool. It gives an appealing look to custom house signs. However, the greatest disadvantages of these house signs are that they are not only heavy but costly also. In addition to that, the process of manufacturing metal house signs indirectly causes environmental pollution through the emission of organic compounds that are volatile. Also, metals are prone to corrosion and tarnishes after a period of time. These are generally available in limited motifs for cost cutting but nothing beats their traditional look.
- Ceramic custom house signs: Ceramic custom house signs also contribute to the maintenance of traditionalism in house signs. They doesn’t leave any scope for sculpting or carving thereby imparting a flat look to the house signs. However, they are long lasting once mounted. They require careful handling before and during installation as they are prone to cracks and eventual breakage. As they are manufactured through a complex process, they become expensive.
- Acrylic custom house signs: Acrylic custom house signs are the best option for business applications both indoor and outdoor. They are also used for personal houses. They are light and less expensive. To get a modern look they can be made with brass or stainless steel.
- Carved house signs: They are generally made up of wood. They allow various options for creativity through carving and sculpting. Wood which is commonly used for the purpose of custom house signs include redwood as well as Western red cedar. Other tropical wood used are dark in color includes oak and cherry. However, the common disadvantage for wooden house signs is that they need regular maintenance and coats of varnish repeatedly.
- Synthetic house signs: To compete with wooden house signs in terms of maintenance and cost, new synthetic house signs have come into the market. They are no less than wood in craftsmanship and quality. Also, they are durable for a longer time in comparison to wood. They are therefore inexpensive. Craved house signs are traditional as they are mostly still hand carved.
How to Choose a House Sign?

Custom House Signs
To choose a house sign, a homeowner must keep certain things in mind such as style of the sign, its durability and maintenance, pictures and images to be engraved, size of letters and cost of the house signs.